Saturday 1 June 2013

The Big Plan

Before we even start, it is important to acknowledge the fact that, without the lovely Katy H, this Blog would not exist, a couple of laptops would have been sent soaring through assorted windows and we would have been divorced.  She has managed to start us off so that we can hopefully write a bit and add a couple of pictures every few days !  (Mwah, mwah, Katy!)

As most of you know, we are great planners.  We are also, however, great changers of plans!  So far, though, our plans haven't altered substantially since we decided late last year that we would go on a "Big Trip".  We have made several arrangements which are now fixed in concrete, many more that are half-organised and we also have lots to see and do on our "wish list", which remains fluid and changes daily, sometimes more than once a day!

So far, this is "the haps":

We leave on June 8th for San Francisco, Vegas, New York
Surrey (bosom of Richard's family), Portugal, Spain, France
Surrey, Narrowboat visit with Sandra and Barry, Yorkshire
Norfolk (house sitting for Suzi and Mike in South Walsham), Verona, Venice
London weekend, Narrowboat sitting for S & B
Friends and Family visits over much of the South of England
Istria (Croatia) with Elke and Gotti, then back to their place near Munich
Home from Munich via Moscow and Hong Kong
Back to our little Gisborne Gaff on October 15th

Now you know what we know.

There are, naturally, some gaps and these will no doubt be filled with as much as we can possibly cram in to what seems a long time, but will inevitably be too short.  We will no doubt come home bemoaning the fact that we didn't get to see so and so or spend any time at all with what's his name.  However, we also expect to come home filled with lovely memories of the people and places we came to know for the first time and joyful reminiscences of time spent with dear friends in some gorgeous and very familiar old haunts.

And now, as Doctor Who frequently says,  "Allons - y !"


  1. OMG, I think that would take me years, not a few months!!! Hope to see you guys v soon, Claire xxxx

    1. Ah, there is a trick to it. We HAVE been watching Dr Who travelling through Time in the TARDIS for some years! x

  2. Lovely blog! Well done, look forward to reading all about it :-)

    1. Used yours as a model - that's why it looks good! x
