Saturday 22 June 2013

Noo Yawk - Mythbusters version!

Myth # 1 - New Yorkers are unfriendly and unhelpful

We have nothing but positive things to say about the N Y ers with whom we came into contact.  They were really quick to ask us if we needed help when they saw us hesitating with a map; one even paid for Richard to go through the subway gate when I had gone through and he was struggling with an expired ticket.  Servers in cafes were friendly and retail assistants went out of their way to ask where we were from and what we were doing in NY etc.

Myth # 2 - Central Park is where you should go for a breath of fresh air in amongst all the buildings

Central Park is dirty, full of rubbish and smells like urine. Enuff said.

Myth # 3 - Harlem is nothing but drug dealers and is very unsafe, especially at night

We stayed in an apartment there and felt secure and not at all anxious, mostly because there were tons of people on the streets ALL the time.

Myth # 4 - New York is vibrant and exciting

New York is very busy, awfully dirty and extremely tiring because of the constant noise wherever you are.

That having been said, we had a great time seeing NY, although we didn't like being there, if that makes sense.  We won't go again but are very glad we took the chance to go this time. We enjoyed the Staten Island Ferry, seeing the Statue of Liberty, Battery Park, Broadway, Times Square, Macy's, Wall St, 42nd St, Harlem, the subway, the NY diners, drinking bottomless coffees for less than $2, eating Mexican food, staying in a 100 yr old brownstone and most of all, the Ballet.  For $61 US,(that was for TWO tickets, by the way!) we were able to see the most stunning Swan Lake in a spectacular venue (the Metropolitan Opera Theatre at the Lincoln Centre) with a fabulous orchestra and very professional and experienced dancers, who took more than a dozen curtain calls from an extremely appreciative audience.  That was really something and was the highlight, as you can probably guess.


  1. NY was never on my list - still isn't now! Though Elizabeth loves it and if she ever returns I'd go to see her and check it you then :-)

    I can visualise you smiling contentedly whilst watching the ballet, like a pig in the proverbial ...

    Lovely - where next???

  2. Sounds like you are having a great time. You seem to have crammed in so many varied sights and experiences already.... V jealous!!! xx
